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How to Conduct Effective Meetings

The aim of this course is to help you prepare and carry out meetings effectively. The things which you should take care of while organising a meeting. The importance of a clear agenda will be explained to you in detail. The essential steps of a meeting will be explained to you in detail. How important decisions are taken in a meeting and how does it impact your future in your organisation.

In this course you will learn:

1 .What preparations you should do for conducting a meeting
2. Things to take note of when a meeting commences
3. The importance of having  clearly defined agendas
4. The difference between an effective meeting and a regular meeting

The course is useful for:
1. People who work in teams
2. People who lead teams in an organisation
3. People who are part of marketing and sales team

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Payment Details How to Conduct Effective Meetings: You will be charged £20.00 after submitting this form.

£20.00 Take This Course

To purchase more than 25 licenses please contact us for a quote.

Click the link below to email us and make sure to state your full name, contact details, company name and the number of required licenes

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