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Self Esteem

This online training course explores how having self-esteem is central to an effective care experience. One absolutely essential thread, which we all require, is self-esteem. People seeking help often feel their self-esteem is bruised or shattered by what they have experienced or are enduring. In grief work, for example, a woman who has lost her husband may feel becoming a widow reflects not only the loss of her husband, but the loss of some of her self-esteem as well. Through personal work on self-esteem, one can learn to support such people and help them gain or re-gain their self-esteem.

In this course, we will further explore the positive traits of the skilled listener which we learn isn’t about having a bag of tricks up one’s sleeve – nor is it solely about theory and techniques – although these are important. It’s about who you are and how all you have learned has become part of you.

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Payment Details Self Esteem: You will be charged £20.00 after submitting this form.

£20.00 Take This Course

To purchase more than 25 licenses please contact us for a quote.

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